
Hi! My name is David Ng. I’m an educator, curriculum writer, app developer, and founder and Chief Learning Officer of Vertical Learning Labs. This website is my playground: a place to post experiments and raw ideas. Feel free to check them out.

Vertical Learning

Vertical learners develop active, sense-making, strategic mindsets by actively seeking out cognitive dissonance and constantly revising their own thinking. It has been my mission as an educator for the past twenty years to design materials and cultures that enable students to grow into vertical learners.

Drawing on <Canvas>

The <canvas> is an HTML element built into all modern web browsers. We can draw on a <canvas> element by typing JavaScript in a basic text editor. Virtually everyone has access to the tools needed to create and share incredible drawings, animations, and interactive graphics.

Particle Theory of Matter

I developed this website as a textbook for students studying the particle theory of matter. According to noted physicist Richard Feynman, the particle theory of matter is the single most-informative idea in science. Because this website was created in my pre-<canvas> and pre-<svg> period, it was built using Adobe Flash. My sincerest apologies, but please enjoy!