Powers and Prime Factorization

When working with powers of numbers, there are patterns we can use to make it easier to find prime factorizations, factors, and multiples.

Perfect Squares and Perfect Cubes

A perfect square is an integer that is a square of another integer. A perfect cube is an integer that is a cube of another integer.

The number 36 is a perfect square because 36 = 6 × 6 = 62.

The number 125 is a perfect cube because 125 = 5 × 5 × 5 = 53.

There are patterns we can use to identify perfect squares and perfect cubes simply by looking at their prime factorizations.

81 = 9 × 9 = (3 × 3) × (3 × 3) = 34

100 = 10 × 10 = (2 × 5) × (2 × 5) = 22 × 52

144 = 12 × 12 = (2 × 2 × 3) × (2 × 2 × 3) = 24 × 32

The numbers 81, 100, and 144 are all perfect squares, and the exponents in their prime factorizations are all even numbers.

That is not a coincidence. When a number’s prime factorization has exponents that are all even, the number can always be written as the square of another integer.

For example, the prime factorization of 291,600 is 24 × 36 × 52. Because the exponents in the prime factorization are all even, we can divide the prime factors of 291,600 into two equal groups:

291,600 = 24 × 36 × 52 = (22 × 33 × 51) × (22 × 33 × 51) = 540 × 540 = 5402

Conversely, any number with one or more odd exponents in its prime factorization cannot be a perfect square because it would be impossible to divide its prime factors into two equal groups.

Practice Identifying Perfect Squares and Cubes

Is a perfect square?

If we apply the same logic, we can identify a similar pattern for perfect cubes.

The prime factorization of 592,704 is 26 × 33 × 73. Because the exponents in the prime factorization are all divisible by three, we can divide the prime factors of 592,704 into three equal groups:

592,704 = 26 × 33 × 73 = (22 × 31 × 71) × (22 × 31 × 71) × (22 × 31 × 71) = 84 × 84 × 84 = 843

Is a perfect cube?

If the exponents in a number’s prime factorization are all even and divisible by two, then the number is a perfect square. If the exponents are all divisible by three, then the number is a perfect cube.

Finding Factors and Multiples (Perfect Squares and Cubes)

What is the greatest factor of 12,096 that is also a perfect square?

The prime factorization of 12,096 is 26 × 33 × 71. Any factor of 12,096 that is also a perfect square has to have a prime factorization that fits inside of the prime factorization of 12,096 with exponents that are all divisible by two. This means it can have either zero, two, four, or six 2’s in its prime factorization; zero or two 3’s; and zero 7’s. It can’t have three 3’s or one 7 because those exponents aren’t divisible by two and we wouldn’t be able to divide those prime factors into two equal groups.

The greatest factor of 12,096 that is also a perfect square is 576 (26 × 32 × 70) = 242.

What is the smallest multiple of 12,096 that is also a perfect cube?

Any multiple of 12,096 that is also a perfect cube has to have a prime factorization that can fit the prime factorization of 12,096 inside of it with exponents that are all divisible by three. This means it can have six, nine, twelve, or more 2’s in its prime factorization; three, six, nine, or more 3’s; and three, six, nine, or more 7’s. Even though a prime factorization would only need one 7 to fit the prime factorization of 12,096 inside of it, our prime factorization has to have at least three 7’s in it because we need to be able to divide the prime factors into three equal groups.

The smallest multiple of 12,096 that is also a perfect cube is 592,704 (26 × 33 × 73) = 843.

Practice Finding Factors and Multiples (Perfect Squares and Cubes)

Find the smallest multiple of that is also a perfect square.

Use the keypad to add prime factors to the prime factorization of your answer.

Powers of Prime and Composite Numbers

The powers of 3 are numbers that can be written as 3n, where n is an integer. The powers of 24 are numbers that can be written as 24n, where n is an integer.

Since 3 is a prime number, finding the prime factorization of a power of 3 is relatively straightforward:

Since 24 is a composite number, we need to perform additional steps to find the prime factorization of a power of 24:

Do you notice any patterns in the prime factorizations of the powers of 24?

Because the prime factorization of 24 is 23 × 31, every time we multiply by 24, we add three 2’s and one 3 to our prime factorization. This means that the prime factorization of 24n is 23n × 3n.

Practice Finding Prime Factorizations of Powers

The prime factorization of is .

prime factorization of .

Use the keypad to add prime factors to the prime factorization of your answer.

Practice Finding Factors and Multiples (Powers)

The prime factorization of is .

Find the smallest multiple of that is also a power of .

Use the keypad to add prime factors to the prime factorization of your answer.